Paths of Unity

Celebrating 10 years of SKS


In 2024, SKS Technologies proudly celebrated a significant milestone: a decade of innovation, collaboration, and growth. Our journey, which began ten years ago, was recently commemorated with a dinner to honour our leaders, long-term employees, clients, and suppliers.  

As we conclude the year, we want to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank every dedicated member of the SKS team, each of whom is deeply valued and appreciated. 

Showing our Appreciation 


To illustrate acknowledgement, we engaged Bayley Mifsud, Merindah-Gunya, an exceptionally talented Indigenous artist who has created masterpieces for renowned businesses across Australia. 

In collaboration with SKS, Merindah-Gunya has crafted a unique piece of art that embodies our corporate colours and seamlessly integrates our people, locations, and services into a unified whole. 

The Story

Paths of Unity

The artwork tells the story of connection and unity through a central meeting place, symbolising SKS Technologies, with a smaller, interconnected circle representing SKS Indigenous Technologies.

People are depicted collaborating and sharing knowledge, embodying teamwork, and mutual respect. Journey lines illustrate the past, present, and future paths towards reconciliation, connecting individuals and communities.

On the right side, three meeting places represent Audiovisual, Electrical and Communications sectors, symbolising the diverse contributions to the group.
Various-sized and colourful people symbols reflect the diversity within the community, while animals scattered throughout the piece honour the deep connection to Country across Australia.

About the Artist

Bayley Mifsud, Merindah-Gunya 

“Mer-rin-dah Gun-yah” 

Bayley Mifsud is a contemporary Aboriginal artist born in the country town of Warrnambool, located in South-West Victoria. She takes great pride in her heritage as a descendant of the Peek and Kirrae Whurrong clans. For Bayley, practicing and sharing her culture through art and storytelling holds immense significance for herself, her family, and her community. 

Her Aboriginal name is Merindah-Gunya meaning “Beautiful Spirit” in Peek Whurrong language, which was gifted to her through a naming ceremony on Country, supported by her Elders and community.  

Bayley has a passion for community development, diversity and self-determination as well as continuing the gift of storytelling through her artwork. To work with Bayley, please email